Things got a little out of hand while testing out the bot spawning code for the NoloVR quasi space invader asteroids endless runner type game I’m working on. The darn bots kept snagging up all my powerups leaving me without ammo. 😀 Funny stuff, very exhilarating.
Tag: GearVR
Got my kinect streamer working! (kinda)
It’s buggy as hell but I’ve got my kinect data streaming off the PC to my GearVR for Full Body Tracking. I’m using the NoloVR for positional tracking. Microsoft’s got some shenanigans going on where they don’t let the kinect360 work for more than about 90 seconds (1:30) on the pc if certain criteria are […]

NoloPaint for GearVR and Cardboard with use of NoloVR
Okay, I’m officially releasing the NoloPaint app I’ve been working on for the past couple of months for GearVR. There was a hefty amount of requests for a cardboard version so I’m releasing that as well with some misgivings. Google changed up how the cardboard apps handle permissions and I can’t seem to get the […]