One of the issues with Windows Mixed Reality is at times you will be told that your headset is not plugged into a USB 3.0 port. You’ll get an error message like “Check your USB cable” or “Something Went Wrong We’re not sure what’s up, but this error code should help: 2181038087-5.” If you check […]
Cat Sorter VR!
I don’t know why Cat Sorter VR by Pawmigo isn’t more popular, but it’s awesome. 😀 The premise is that cats are manufactured and you’re an assembly line worker fixing bugs in the system. Sometimes cats will have a bug eye, weird tails, weird legs, blue hearts for buttholes… It’s all rather adorable and funny.
Leap Motion Blocks!
Now that I’ve got the HP Windows Mixed Reality headset working I can finally play around with the Leap Motion hardware I’ve been sitting on for almost two years. Freaking Yay!
We’ve finally got Desktop VR!
It took a lot of help from friends and family, but I’ve finally got a desktop VR solution that I can begin experimenting with. I got the HP Windows Mixed Reality headset off of craigslist for a decent price when Microsoft was bundling the headsets during the christmas season. Numerous people got the headsets to […]

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. #GotAMachinehead
I bought conductive rubber cord a few months ago and just finally got around to building the basic respiration band. You can see the basics here. It does work, but it’s very ugly and I haven’t had time to interface it with Unity yet. I’d like to try linking breathing to the size of a […]
Nolo Asteroids Testing. Nightmare mode!
Things got a little out of hand while testing out the bot spawning code for the NoloVR quasi space invader asteroids endless runner type game I’m working on. The darn bots kept snagging up all my powerups leaving me without ammo. 😀 Funny stuff, very exhilarating.
Got my kinect streamer working! (kinda)
It’s buggy as hell but I’ve got my kinect data streaming off the PC to my GearVR for Full Body Tracking. I’m using the NoloVR for positional tracking. Microsoft’s got some shenanigans going on where they don’t let the kinect360 work for more than about 90 seconds (1:30) on the pc if certain criteria are […]

NoloPaint for GearVR and Cardboard with use of NoloVR
Okay, I’m officially releasing the NoloPaint app I’ve been working on for the past couple of months for GearVR. There was a hefty amount of requests for a cardboard version so I’m releasing that as well with some misgivings. Google changed up how the cardboard apps handle permissions and I can’t seem to get the […]

Heart Rate Monitor
I’ve been experimenting with an arduino based Pulse Monitor for the Consciousness Hacking experiments. Cool stuff, had some issues when I tried to bring Bluetooth connectivity into it. Apparently there’s a trick to programming the HC-06. I’ll figure it out. You can see the basics of what I’ve been playing with here

Mind Flex Brain Wave Toy Hack
I picked up a couple of Mind Flex Brainwave headsets for the Hacking Consciousness project and I’ve been playing around with an arduino to pull the brainwave data. It’s only a single channel, but it’s a cute little toy to play with. I’ve gotten the data into Unity and hope to play with it in […]