With the holidays coming up I figured I’d throw together a quick consumer Virtual Reality guide. Basic Terms Play Space: area you’re going to be using your VR in. Seated/Standing Only Scale: game/headset is meant to stay within a fixed central point of the play space. Room Scale: means the headset is capable (even required) […]
Tag: Virtual Reality
Lowkeysoft gets a Muse Headband!
One of our generous patrons gifted us here at Lowkeysoft a 2016 Muse brain sensing headband for our experiments with VR and neurofeedback. We’re super excited and very much looking forward to seeing what we can do and what the hardware can handle. EEG is EE Weee!!! 😉 -steele Lowkeysoft gets a Muse headband!
Virtual Window Manager in progress
Steele has been experimenting in Unity with window dlls to try and make his own virtual desktop that goes beyond the typical “remote desktop in VR”. Whether or not it will be a viable experience depends on during which manic episode you ask him about it.
Paint by Leap Motion
The second demo Leap Motion released was a basic pinch to paint app. Nothing special when compared to Tiltbrush or NoloPaint 😉 but still a gorgeous UI that’s worth checking out. They’ve also released the source. Which is always nice. Paint by Leap Motion Paint source code on github
Pet the Pretty Kitty!
Leap Motion released an update to their Orion Hand Tracking. In conjunction, they’ve also released 3 nifty demos. Leap Motion Blog post on the new Orion hand tracking update Introducing the Latest Generation of Orion Tracking Cat Explorer by Leap Motion
Knockout League – steele vs Barrage! on HP Windows Mixed Reality VR w/Kinect Green Screen
My bro hooked me up with access to his Steam Library via the Family Sharing! So now I’ve got some cool games to play with the WMR and mixed reality recording. This game uses Unreal Engine so the mixed reality isn’t quite the interactive style offered by the Unity Engine games. I’m hoping that will […]
Mixed Reality Capture Attempt 1: Cat Sorter VR
It was so close! Like 6 hours of experimenting and I thought I finally figured it out! 😂😂😂 So I’m still having issues getting the foreground alpha channel working in a legitimate way. I’m using a Kinect as my green screen which means I don’t have a legit camera stream to work with, but rather […]
Kinect 360 with KinectToVr and Windows Mixed Reality
So I finally got my Kinect360 hooked up and working in VR. VRChat seems to be the simplest method of testing out. It was my first time playing around with it so I don’t quite know what I’m doing, but I’m more of a dive in the deep end kind of guy anyway. 😀 More […]
Cat Sorter VR!
I don’t know why Cat Sorter VR by Pawmigo isn’t more popular, but it’s awesome. 😀 The premise is that cats are manufactured and you’re an assembly line worker fixing bugs in the system. Sometimes cats will have a bug eye, weird tails, weird legs, blue hearts for buttholes… It’s all rather adorable and funny.